The “Committee for Police Officer’s Defense” (CPOD) was configured to help police officers fight against the continuing “War on Cops” by taking a varied political stance against politicians, activist judges, prosecutors, district attorneys and a host of others who try to bring police officers down by any means. Committee for Police Officer’s Defense will use all forms of social media, print media, television or any other legitimate means to expose their agenda and educate the public about their illogical stand against our men and women in blue.

Paid for by the Committee for Police Officers’ Defense. The Committee for Police Officers’ Defense is a national political fund organized under Section 527 of IRS Tax Code. Contributions are non-charitable and not tax deductible. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
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Paid for by the Committee for Police Officers’ Defense. The Committee for Police Officers’ Defense is a national political fund organized under Section 527 of IRS Tax Code. Contributions are non-charitable and not tax deductible. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.